As above, so below. As within, so without.

For centuries the seers have studied our connection to the cosmos. The planets transit and the moon glows from full to new. As humans on this beautiful blue planet, we feel these vibrations and patterns on our Earthly plane. 

Ancient astrologers mapped the skies above us. With their wisdom, we’ve learned the pattern of the tides. We plant seeds when the moon is new, harvest and enchant when the moon is full. We honor the wheel of the year, celebrate our abundance when the days are long, and when Yule (or winter solstice) comes, we go within. 

As modern mystics, we connect to the elements and planetary energies. Our thoughts, intentions, & words are a powerful magic.

Elevate your positive intention by aligning your rituals with the movement of the heavenly bodies.

By connecting your intention to the physical plane through rituals, you will magnetize the energy, propelling your intent faster into the universal flow.

Beauty is internal, external, and spiritual. We’ve curated a collection of beauty rituals specifically charged to expand your self-love, personal power, and connection with the cosmos.


Explore Our Rituals

Moon Cycle Ritual

A three part ritual for the new + full moons.

New Moon

At every new moon, set aside time for a 15 minute ritual in which you will formally set your positive intentions for this moon cycle. ⟡ To begin, create a space for ritual wherever you are. You can do this by lighting a candle, incense, or herbs, symbolizing a separate space from the rest of the day. Try to clear your mind of any outside influences. This moment is for you only.

Part One

⟡ Begin the ritual with the Aurora Cleanser. 

Place a dime sized amount of the cleanser into your palm and lather by rubbing your hands together. Gently massage Aurora Cleanser into your skin and in your mind’s eye, visualize the intention you’d like to set for this moon cycle. Envision all of your other thoughts falling peacefully away as you focus with clarity on your positive intention. Look at the details, then zoom out to see the big picture. Consider how it would feel to accomplish. Gently splash your face with warm water. Continue focusing on your clear intention for this new moon as you rinse off the cleanser. To remove the rest, gently pat with a warm face cloth. 

⟡ Now that you have a very clear vision of your intention, write it down on a tiny piece of paper, and place it in your Mystic Box. Place the Mystic Box somewhere that has significance to you, perhaps on a shelf, dresser, altar, or wherever feels right. Follow your instinct. Placing it somewhere where you will be reminded of it every day guides more energy to your positive intention.

Part Two

⟡ Apply the Galaxy Clay mask. As you apply, offer gratitude to Mother Earth for all she provides. Apply a thin layer of the clay mask to your face. 

⟡ Next, bring yourself to a space where you can deeply reflect and dream. I recommend laying down and closing your eyes with a relaxing playlist, but do what feels intuitively right to you. That might be doodling, journaling, stretching, making music, or sitting in silence. Do whatever best allows you to connect with your divine mind. Imagine how your life will look and feel when your intention comes to be. What emotions will you have? Excitement? Happiness? Relief? Gratitude? Allow yourself to feel the emotions as though your intention has already come to be. Smile about it!! 

⟡ Visualize these emotions as a color. Any color, whatever feels right to you. In your mind’s eye, see that color of the most beautiful sparkling light that you can imagine, filling the space in and around you with glowing beauty and positive feelings. Let yourself bask in this gorgeous glow until you feel the mask begin to tighten on your face. Remove the mask by gently rubbing in circles with a face cloth damp with warm water.

Part Three

⟡ Apply The Essence moisturizer. As you massage the moisturizer into your skin, visualize the color you chose to represent your intention, as glowing sparkling light. Feel The Essence and the beautiful, vibrant light nourishing your skin and spirit. Feel your whole body enveloped in the warm glow. Your intention is set. Thank the universe for hearing you. 

⟡ End the new moon ritual by taking a few deep breaths to center yourself back into the world. On each day between the New & Full Moons, as you use The Essence, envision the same beautifully sparkling color of light soaking into your skin and enveloping your energy field. Make each use of The Essence a moment filled with gratitude.

The Venus Ritual

Venus is known as the morning & evening star, as it is often seen as the sun rises or sets, a perfect time to connect with Venus energy. This ritual can be done any time, we recommend at least morning & evening. 

Place a pea sized amount of The Essence onto your palm. As you do this, take three deep breaths and fully bring your awareness into your body and the present moment. 

Rub your palms together to warm the moisturizer, and visualize the most beautiful golden energy building from your heart, connecting to your hands.

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⟡ Apply the Galaxy Clay mask. As you mix equal parts water and clay powder, offer gratitude to Mother Earth for all she provides. Apply a thin layer of the clay mask to your face. 

⟡ Next, bring yourself to a space where you can deeply reflect and dream. I recommend laying down and closing your eyes with a relaxing playlist, but do what feels intuitively right to you. That might be doodling, journaling, stretching, making music, or sitting in silence. Do whatever best allows you to connect with your divine mind. Imagine how your life will look and feel when your intention comes to be. What emotions will you have? Excitement? Happiness? Relief? Gratitude? Allow yourself to feel the emotions as though your intention has already come to be. Smile about it!! 

⟡ Visualize these emotions as a color. Any color, whatever feels right to you. In your mind’s eye, see that color of the most beautiful sparkling light that you can imagine, filling the space in and around you with glowing beauty and positive feelings. Let yourself bask in this gorgeous glow until you feel the mask begin to tighten on your face. Remove the mask by gently rubbing in circles with a face cloth damp with warm water.

The Lunar Ritual

Begin with a dry face and hands. Place three pumps of the Lunar Oil into your palm. With each pump, inhale a long, deep breath. Focus your energy on the present moment. Still breathing deeply & intentionally, call all of your energy back to yourself and begin rubbing your palms together to warm the oil.

Gently massage the hydrating oil into your skin with small, outward circular motions. As you do this, scan your energy field (the space in and around your body). Use the tips of your fingers to thoroughly distribute the oil across your face. Scan the way you’re feeling from the bottom of your feet all the way to the top of your head. How does it feel? Is there anything you can let go of?

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The Galaxy Ritual

Begin by opening the Mystic Kiss Galaxy Clay. Use this time to bring your attention fully into the moment.

While holding the mixture, take a few deep breaths, and visualize yourself glowing with golden strength, as a tree, with roots extending from the bottoms of your feet. Imagine these roots growing into the Earth below, deeper and deeper, rooting and stabilizing deep within the core of the planet. Then, starting in your heart center, see the branches growing upward, glowing beautifully, extending up into the cosmos as far as you can see.

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